
If you are not familiar with Azure or any of the terms used below, please consult the Azure reference documentation.

Resource mapping


In Azure (AZ), an Account maps to a credential able to authenticate against a given Azure (AZ) project - see the setup guide.

Load Balancer

A Spinnaker load balancer maps to an Azure Application Gateway.

Server Group

A Spinnaker server group maps to an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set.


A Spinnaker instance maps to an Azure Virtual Machine Instance.

Instances in a Virtual Machine Scale set all use the same standard/custom VHD.

Linux VM sizes WIndows VM sizes


A Spinnaker firewall maps to an Azure Network Security Group.

Operation mapping


Deploys a new Azure Virtual Machine Scale set.


Clones an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set into a new Virtual Machine Scale set.


Destroys an Azure Virtual Machine Scale set.


Not supported


Enables an Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set to receive traffic.


Disables an Azure Virtual Machine Scale set from receiving traffic.

Create Load Balancer

Creates a new Application Gateway in Azure.

Edit Load Balancer

Edits the properties of an Application Gateway.

Delete Load Balancer

Deletes an Application Gateway. Delete will fail if the App Gatway is connected to a Virtual Machine Scale Set.

Create Firewall

Creates a Network Security Group in the specified Virtual Network.

Clone Firewall

Clones a Network Security Group in the same virtual Network.

Edit inbound rules

Edit the inbound traffic rules on the corresponding Network Security Group.

Delete Firewall

Deletes the Network Security Group.